Environmental and Social Efforts
One of the priorities is to be a social and environmental sustainable business

Certified by the Tourism Institute of Costa Rica (CST)
The Hotel Giada is the only Hotel in the Sámara with the Sustainable Tourism Certification, in the categorization of the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT). In this process, the ICT evaluated the interaction between the company and the surrounding environment, interested in the implementation of policies and programs for its conservation, sustainability and protection. The aspects of waste management and recycling systems and the use of technologies to save water and electricity were evaluated. Last but not least, our company interacts with the local community through the generation of employment and the support of local development projects. The CST is an excellent tool to promote the sustainable development of the country and we are proud to be an active integral part of the process. It covers social, cultural and patrimonial aspects of the community. Our commitment is to reinforce our reputation as a destination for those who wish to preserve and enjoy our planet in a beautiful natural environment.
We invite you to learn more about our sostenaible program:
100% Carbon Neutral
The Giada Hotel has a history of being a pioneer in ecological and social sustainability issues and it is no surprise that it is the first and only Hotel in the area to be certified. The Hotel Giada is a 100% CARBONO NEUTRAL company. It actively participates in a mitigation program against climate change and the effects of global warming with international support. In addition, the 100% CARBONO NEUTRAL Program decided to award the Facta no Verba Award (events, not words) to the Hotel Giada, after evaluating the history of the Hotel and its owners as pioneers in sustainability issues in the Samara area. We are part of the companies that formalized their environmental commitment by joining in the fight against Climate Change. The program is based on parameters, protocols and regulations under the ISO 14064 process and consists of a phase of measurement of the ecological footprint, one of mitigation of it through a constant reduction of polluting energies in favor of clean and renewable energies ( mainly solar) and the preference of environmentally certified suppliers and, finally, with the residual compensation through the purchase of carbon credits, by CO2 Balance, London (UK), verified and certified by Gold Standard (Switzerland), Plan Vivo (Scotland), DNV (Norway), ESI (USA), and duly registered in Markit. The Costa Rican Certifier 100-SD has the endorsement and current representation of CarbonFund, New York (USA). The Government of Costa Rica aims to be, in 2021, the first carbon neutral country in the world and our commitment to environmental conservation begins in our community confident in education and the hope of an ever greater awareness of the people and the business world.

Love for our land and its people
The Hotel Giada was involved in important local projects with the agreement to a sponsorship to the Blue Zone Foundation of Nicoya, which has been working in the field for 15 years with a small group of people who are in charge of visiting, attending and studying the 64 ultra centenarians living in the area of the Nicoya Peninsula. These important studies have attracted the attention of a North American University focused on nutritional studies, which has begun its collaboration, sending a group of students for a collaboration and studies to these people. A part of the income generated by the hotel is returned in basic necessities such as food complexes, cures and diapers to the elderly. We hope in an increase of interest on the part of these universities so that the helps are more constant and ample, since the Foundation is a nonprofit NGO. In the environmental field, we are in the process of renewal of our Carbon Neutrality certifications with the company 100% Carbon Neutral and we are renewing the certification of the CST (Certification of Tourist Sustainability, ICT program), the only company in the area, happy to have reduced even more the emissions and hopeful of reaching a more ambitious goal than we have achieved so far. Always in the environmental field the Hotel, with the help of another company And with the local Asada is working hard for the recognition of the Ecological Blue Flag in Samara, certification lost for purely bureaucratic reasons, 2 years ago. Not last or least important, Hotel Giada is one of the most important sponsors of the Coral Project of Samara, a non-profit organization, with the collaboration of the Ina and endorsed and supervised by the Minae. It intends to repopulate the Samara bay of corals through protected and monitored breeding sites, especially in the area of Isla Chora, which was declared a protected marine refuge, in an area totally prohibited from fishing of any kind, where the reproduction and repopulation of many marine species is being noticed. Buoys are being placed so that the tour operators that take tourists to snorkel do not damage the corals. It has been of great satisfaction to transform some fishermen into guides or tour operators who have abandoned fishing and becoming small and medium tour operators. We are very proud to be able to do our part for the conservation and improvement of our socio-environmental environment, consider them priority between the values and ethics of our company.
How to help?
Here you will find different links where you can learn more about sustainability and how to colaborate:
National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC)
Conservation Centers around the country

Responsible tourism
Costa Rica’s tourism development model is based on sustainability, which includes three fundamental dimensions: environmental, economic and sociocultural. These are the pillars of the Tourism Sustainability Certification, which seeks to generate well-being for the communities, respecting their identity and protecting biodiversity.
In this link you can calculate the emissions generated from your trips and/or your presence at Hotel Giada and if you want to offset the carbon footprint generated.
For more information visit
Samara Beach
Learn more about why you should pick Samara as your next beach destination in Guanacaste. Not only is the community and region in general very charming, but it also offers all services expected while keeping the abundant nature around it. Book a kayaking tour, go surfing, fishing, snorkeling, or visit a national park or enjoy any other activity. Or go and enjoy great dining in one of the many restaurants in the area. Read more about reviews and reasons why Samara is a unique place to end you round trip in Costa Rica, or a great place to spend your beach family vacation.